Thursday, August 30, 2012

With MoP nearing quickly, it's time to prepare for T14 raiding. Aside from leveling and learning boss fights, this means your toons needs to be raid-ready by the time the rest of your guild is. I have assembled a set of gear that will allow you to reach the 6652 Haste breakpoint for the 9th ticks of WG/Efflo, and to acquire this gear you won't have to set foot in a raid. Some players have expressed concern that reaching this breakpoint necessitates sacrificing too much spirit. Maybe it's true some players will need every single point of Spirit available, but missing out on a few gems' worth of Spirit should be well worth the lost regen. The extra WG/Efflo breakpoint is so powerful that it would be worth using your mana more cautiously if it means you get the Haste you need. Here's what this pre-raid set looks like, assembled with the WoWHead Profiler.

Most of this gear may be acquired from running level 90 dungeons. Some of these items might be quite expensive because they are crafted. As of right now, the profiler does not allow the use of MoP gems, and keep in mind our relics and head enchants are gone! Once reforged, you should be looking at something alone the lines of this.

Do notice: the weapon and necklace require exalted with the Klaxxi, and the necklace requires Valor Points, both requirements which should be manageable by raid time once Mogu'shan Vaults is opened. There are alternatives for both slots of gear, but you might need to shift you enchants and gems around to make the Haste breakpoint. You should also be able to work around buying the crafted chest item, as well. Unfortunately, purchasing the crafted gloves and the Darkmoon Card are probably unavoidable until you're able to get some real raiding gear.


  1. In cata the dakmoon card was viable for a long time. You think this is the case again?

  2. Hey, thanks for stopping by!

    I do think the trinket is very viable and will be for a while, depending on your level of play. Depending on how Int and Spirit procs/use effects end up being for Druids, we'll have to see for sure, but at quick glance it's just as good as most of the LFR trinkets:
    Jade Courtesan Figurine -
    Qin-xi's Polarizing Seal -
    Spirits of the Sun -

    (we don't know which ones drop where; Spirits of the Sun is the exception due to its 483 iLvl which means it will drop in Terrace of Endless Spring)

    There are a couple problems with our situation. In the past, LFR didn't exist so the Darkmoon trinkets had an inflated value. Now, we an easier way to get better trinkets, and obviously Normal and Heroic raiders will have even better trinkets available, unlike in T11 when the DMC trinkets were on the same iLvl as the Normal trinkets.

    Another thing to consider is LFR is now opening a week after the Normal raids, which does give these new trinkets an advantage of sorts, especially because the LFR for Heart of Fear and Terrace of Endless Spring won't be available until September.

    If you're just planning on raiding via LFR, I wouldn't worry too much about the trinket. If you're in a guild that takes a while to complete Normal modes, I would probably consider my financial situation. If you're in a guild hoping to be in Heroic Mogu'shan Vaults the first week it's available, you'll really want this trinket, if possible.

    I hope this is helpful!

    1. Thanks for your reply.
      Im in a pretty casual raiding guild, for example we are still progressing on the heroic content. Working on the spine right now.

      Im guessing some of us will try PuGing the normal content when it opens but I doubt we will be ready as a guild until Raid finder opens. Which should mean that I can get a higher chance of getting something juicy.

      I noticed there's both a spirit DF card and an intellect card.. which one you want to get might depend on your other gear/trinket. Unless it turns out we will favor spirit or intellect above anything else but I don't think its clear yet? Im guessing spirit in that case.

      For starters I'll be getting the alchemist stone and hopefully something from a 5-man :) And after I first get a decent epic one I might complement with a DF card based on that. Or maybe I'll be happy with the alchemist one, not sure how much "spirit" the potion proc would turn out to be.

    2. It sounds like you have a good plan for you. The Int trinket requires you dealing spell damage, but that means it could probably proc off DoC or Nature's Vigil, but chances are you won't want a trinket that has double Int effects if you have the option for one with Spirit. I agree we'll have to wait and find out a bit, but it's probably a safe bet. Also, consider that you can't reforge Int.

    3. Ahh, of course. Didnt look close enough on the Int one. Thanks.

  3. Thanks for the article Fumsy. What do you think about the 5730 haste point if you're using mainly SotF over Incarnation?
